Listen to the full interview here.
Listen to the full interview here.
Listen here.
Trump is no defender of free speech. To the contrary, he is one of the greatest enemies of civil liberties ever elected president in modern times. I devote a chapter in my book to Trump’s support for repression, including his proposed ban on Muslims (now accompanied by “extreme vetting” of political views), his statements advocating for the torture of enemy prisoners and even the murder of their families, and his calls to dramatically loosen libel law in order to attack freedom of the press. Trump wants to repeal the Johnson Amendment for the very same reason that LBJ passed it: to serve his political interests. But that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.
Read the rest here.
Read the excerpt here.
The Nobel Peace Prize announcement has had mixed reactions. Many see Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos as a well deserved winner, and some believe it could help to rescue Colombia’s continuing peace process. But there are others who don’t think much of the entire process – at least not since Barack Obama won straight after becoming US President. In the eyes of many, this calls into question the entire process of awarding the prize.
Medea Benjamin, who has just released a very telling book, told The Canary:
“I think it is terrible what has happened to the Nobel Peace Prize. Giving it to Barack Obama for example, while he is championing drone wars.”
Read the full interview from The Canary here.
The second face-off between the two major party candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Sunday night has pushed the election in favor of the Democrat. Both candidates were the targets of embarrassing revelations on the eve of the Town Hall-style debate, with the Wikileaks release of emails from Clinton’s campaign referring to her paid speeches on Wall Street, and a Washington Post exposé of Trump’s conversation with TV host Billy Bush from a decade ago referring to his habit of kissing, grabbing, and assaulting women when he felt like it. But Trump’s revelations hit far harder than Clinton’s.
With less than a month before the election, we turn today to the author of a new book about Trump. In Trump Unveiled: Exposing the Bigoted Billionaire, author John K. Wilson turns each aspect of the candidate’s persona into a chapter, such as “Trump the Narcissist,” “Lying Trump,” “Bankrupt Trump,” “Racist Trump,” and “Sexist Trump.”
Listen to the full interview on Rising Up With Sonali here.
“‘Of course, Trump is not ideologically conservative,’ Wilson said. ‘He follows the ideology of Trump. Back in 1999, he was pro-choice, he wanted a 14 percent wealth tax, the biggest tax on the rich in history—and now he’s turned around and he’s become a conservative.'”
Read the full article on The Chicago Maroon here.
“He’s always wanted to be a celebrity”
To read more, visit This Is Hell!.