Throughout Women’s History Month, we’ll be celebrating the poets from Women of Resistance. Sudanese by way of Washington, D.C., Safia Elhillo is a Pushcart Prize nominee, a co-winner of the 2015 Brunel University African Poetry Prize, and winner of the 2016 Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets. She has received fellowships from Cave Canem, The Conversation, and Crescendo Literary and The Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Incubator.

after Danez Smith, with a line by Ol’ Dirty Bastard
if you read this in red maybe i didn’t
survive every day i go missing one
eyelash at a time or sometimes all
at once & in the heaven for
blackgirls gone away we walk in
& out of rivers & wear our good silks
our good brown velvet bodies dripping
with sunlight we sprout leaves & no one
decides for us to cut or keep them we
bear fruit & self-sustain we tread water we
pluck the moon for our hair & another grows
in its place we are sistered or unsistered
but never again to a dead thing somewhere
a rope turns & turns & our feet never touch
the ground somewhere a song playes
& plays & names us with each touch of a needle to our
round black surfaces
i’m hanging out /partying/with girls/that never die
Further Reading
- “Excellent… These poems speak to the fascism all around us today, and, sometimes, in us.” — WOMEN OF RESISTANCE reviewed by CounterPunch (9/14/2020)
- “The poems collected in Women of Resistance: Poems for a New Feminism pack a serious punch. Which is fitting for a project designed to hit back against U.S. President Donald Trump and the blows his government has dealt to women….” —Herizons (5/9/2019)
- “The editors should be very proud. They’ve ignited women to fight for their bodies, their agency, and their lives.” – WOMEN OF RESISTANCE reviewed in the Women’s Review of Books (8/14/2018)
- “An excellent cross-section of work by and about the intersectional experience of contemporary womanhood.” – WOMEN OF RESISTANCE reviewed at Hyperallergic (8/13/2018)
- An Open Letter to the Protesters Outside the Planned Parenthood Near My Job: from WOMEN OF RESISTANCE (7/10/2018)
Poems for a New Feminism
Representing the diversity of contemporary womanhood and bolstering the fight against racism, sexism, and violence, Women of Resistance unites new writers, performers, and activists with established poets to take a feminist stance against the new authority. More |
“[W]hat more can you ask of a novel, or a poet’s novel, or a poem, or a memoir, or whatever the hell this shimmering document is? Just read it.” —Alison Bechdel on Inferno. More |
![]() SALMA
Filming a Poet in Her Village
When Salma was 13 years old her family shut her away, forbidding her to study and forcing her into marriage. She began covertly composing poems on scraps of paper and sneaking them out of the house. More |