Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘wikileaks’

Read an interview with SARAH HARRISON co-author of WOMEN, WHISTLEBLOWING, WIKILEAKS at Refinery29

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Plenty of women are whistleblowers, and plenty more work for the organisations that aid them. So why do we rarely hear about these women? And who are they?

In 2010, British journalist Sarah Harrison, then in her mid-20s, began working for WikiLeaks, the website created by Julian Assange to help expose large-scale injustices and cover-ups. It was the year that the site received and published some of its most explosive information to date; the Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diary and Cablegate were a collection of classified documents that were leaked out of the American military by Chelsea Manning, including a video showing the killing of civilians in a 2007 Baghdad airstrike.

Read the full interview here.

Read an exclusive excerpt of Micah L. Sifry’s WIKILEAKS AND THE AGE OF TRANSPARENCY on the Huffington Post

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Back in the fall of 2009, getting hold of Julian Assange wasn’t easy. The Australian founder of WikiLeaks seemed to be constantly on the move, and his email habits were unpredictable. My colleague Andrew Rasiej and I had invited him to speak at the inaugural European gathering of our Personal Democracy Forum (PdF) conference in Barcelona that November. “Micah, great!” he wrote in late October, accepting the invitation. “Currently in Laos. Denmark 18th Nov-ish. Iceland not long after. Can you send me all necessary details?”

Read more in the Huffington Post.

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