Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Moment of Truth’

“Essential reading on Israel-Palestine’s toughest questions” — MOMENT OF TRUTH, ed. by Jamie Stern-Weiner, featured in Jewish Voice for Labour

Wednesday, May 17th, 2023

“In this compilation available from OR Books, Jamie Stern-Weiner has drawn together an incomparable selection of contributors to debate key questions concerning Israel-Palestine from the perspective of those committed to justice and national liberation.”

Read the full article here.

“This impressive collection offers a rich source of expertise to those who seriously wish to engage with the complexities of the issue..”- MOMENT OF TRUTH reviewed in Lobster

Thursday, October 18th, 2018

In the swirl of controversy over ‘Labour’s anti-Semitism problem’ that has
followed Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader in 2015, the complex subject of
Israel and Palestine has rarely featured in popular discussion. These three
books offer those who wish to move beyond this largely faux confection more
understanding of an issue that has dogged international affairs since the
foundation of Israel in 1948. .

Read the full review here.

“By encouraging us to eschew glib analyses, the volume makes a real contribution to those working for justice in Israel-Palestine.”- MOMENT OF TRUTH reviewed in Jacobin

Tuesday, October 16th, 2018

The fact that, after fifty years of Palestinian support efforts, the Israeli occupation is more entrenched than ever should inspire some intellectual humility among those hawking solutions to the conflict, notes Jamie Stern-Weiner in the introduction to his edited collection Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions. It is humbling as well to read through the volume, with more than seventy essays and rejoinders by more than fifty different authors, from almost every one of which something new can be learned.

Read the full review here.

“Expertly guiding the reader through the ‘toughest questions’ affecting the Israel-Palestine relationship… A complex format, that works brilliantly.” – MOMENT OF TRUTH reviewed in Open Democracy

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

A very different though complementary approach is taken by Jamie Stern-Weiner in his edited collection Moment of Truth…

Read the full review here.

“Always interesting and often illuminating.” – MOMENT OF TRUTH reviewed at The Morning Star

Monday, September 10th, 2018

COVERING some of the most knotty questions about Israel-Palestine, Moment of Truth is an important resource for those who wish to drill down into the details of the debates to gain an in-depth understanding of the conflict.

Edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner, a graduate in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford, the book is structured in an interesting way, with the expert contributors make their conflicting cases in a series of exchanges, with other respondents also weighing in.

Read the full review here.

JAMIE STERN-WEINER discusses Israel-Palestine and Labour’s alleged antisemitism crisis at Media Democracy

Monday, August 20th, 2018

James Stern-Weiner returns to the show to discuss the structure of the debates about Israel-Palestine and Labour’s alleged antisemitism crisis.

Listen to the full interview here.

JAMIE STERN-WEINER and NORMAN FINKELSTEIN debunk the accusations of anti-semitism against Jeremy Corbyn at The Real News

Monday, August 13th, 2018

UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused of presiding over a surge of anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party. Author Norman Finkelstein and British scholar Jamie Stern-Weiner say that Corbyn’s foes have cynically concocted a fake scandal to sabotage his progressive agenda and support for Palestinian rights.

Watch the full interview here.

JAMIE STERN-WEINER on tackling Israel-Palestine’s toughest questions at Warscapes

Friday, August 3rd, 2018

As Jamie Stern-Weiner notes in his introduction to Moment of Truth, a new collection of essays on Israel-Palestine from OR Books, the conflict “has endured so long that it has acquired about it an air of timelessness, and normalized into background noise,” a situation that carries with it “the twin risks of complacency and despair.” To be sure, following the Arab Spring, spiralling crises in Libya, Syria and Yemen, and renewed confrontations with Iran over the past year, the Palestinian struggle has been firmly placed on the backburner by many throughout the region and the West.

Moment of Truth seeks to re-start serious deliberations on the main issues frustrating a proper resolution to the conflict without falling into the trap of rehashing shop-worn positions that have come to characterize the debate. In service to this goal, the book features an impressive line-up of contributors addressing a full-spectrum of issues: As’ad Abukhalil, Mkhaimar Abusada, Shaul Arieli, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Diana Buttu, Richard Falk, Gideon Levy, John Mearsheimer, Norman Finkelstein, Nathan Thrall, and Ahmed Youseff, among many other.

Read the full interview here.


Monday, July 30th, 2018

We speak to Jamie Stern-Weiner, editor of Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions, which brings together dozens of prominent experts to discuss how peace can be achieved

Watch the full interview here.

“To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s critics: This is no time for sloganeering.” JAMIE STERN-WEINER writing for Mondoweiss

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s announced support for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict has drawn fire from elements of her base. Many activists believe that the two-state solution is dead, and view support for it as a betrayal of Palestinian rights. They would prefer that Ocasio-Cortez advocate a one-state solution to the conflict instead. But this would position her at the fringes of political discourse, beyond the horizon of even progressive public opinion.

Read the full article here.


Monday, July 23rd, 2018

Jamie Stern-Weiner’s new edited volume, Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions (OR Books, 2018) seeks to clarify what it would take to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, to assess the prospects of doing so, and to illuminate the future possibilities for the region..

Listen to the full interview here.

“Essential reading… a book that instantly informs and leaves a trail to follow to learn more.” MOMENT OF TRUTH reviewed in Middle East Eye

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

How does one consider 70 years of conflict that countless UN resolutions, global power brokers and peace activists have been unable to resolve? Through a weighty compilation of analysis from some of the most prominent and informed voices on the issue.

Upon the Nakba’s 70th anniversary, such a considered analysis of Israel and Palestine is quite frankly overdue. That’s what Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions, a book edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner and published by OR Books, aims to provide.

With more than 50 contributors, including such distinguished voices as Richard Falk, Norman Finkelstein and Gideon Levy, among many others, the book lays out some of the toughest questions on the conflict and considers the facts on the ground.

Read the full review here.

“This world is replete with morally complex problems… Gaza is not one of them.” – JAMIE STERN-WEINER at the Verso blog

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

For more than a decade, Gaza—a narrow strip along the Mediterranean coast—has been subjected to a suffocating economic siege. The siege was imposed by Israel and its international accomplices after the election of the Hamas government in 2006, as a form of ‘economic warfare’. The objective was to cripple Gaza’s economy in the hopes that the suffering thereby inflicted would induce Gaza’s civilian population—70 percent of whom are refugees and more than half of whom are children—to turn against their rulers.

To this end, the flow of goods as well as people across Gaza’s perimeter was reduced to the bare minimum. The guiding principle was explained by one of the architects of Israel’s Gaza policy, Dov Weisglass: ‘It’s like a diet—the Palestinians will lose lots of weight, but they won’t die’. That is, humanitarian aid would be allowed entry but the inputs required for a functioning economy would be blocked. International human rights organisations have unsurprisingly condemned this mediaeval-like policy as a ‘collective punishment’ (International Committee of the Red Cross) imposed in ‘flagrant violation of international law’ (Amnesty International).

Read the full article here.

SARI BASHI, contributor to MOMENT OF TRUTH on Gaza and the occupation at The Real News

Monday, May 14th, 2018

In a new book, “Moment of Truth,” Sari Bashi discusses the 11-year blockade that has driven Gazans to the brink. With water unfit to drink, denial of education, healthcare and mobility, Gazans don’t have much to lose, she says.

Watch the full interview here.

“We Must Speak Up Against Israel’s Slaughter in Gaza” – JAMIE STERN-WEINER and MUHAMMAD SHEHADA write for Vice

Monday, May 14th, 2018

For over a decade, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a brutal, medieval-style siege. Imposed by Israel after the election of the Hamas government in 2006, the stated objective of the siege was “economic warfare”: to block all economic activity in Gaza and thereby turn the civilian population against its leadership.

To this end, imports were restricted to what Israeli bureaucrats deemed a humanitarian necessity, while exports were almost completely prohibited. At the same time, the number of exit permits issued to Gazans was sharply reduced. As their economy suffocated and living standards plunged, the people of Gaza, hemmed in from the land, air and sea, were unable even to flee. In effect, Gaza was transformed – in the words of former UK Prime Minister David Cameron – into a “prison camp”.

Read the full article here.

Can Gaza Survive? – an excerpt from MOMENT OF TRUTH at Jacobin

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Three decades of Israeli-imposed closure have wreaked havoc on the Gaza Strip’s infrastructure, natural resources, economy, and, most importantly, its people, who are denied the right to engage in dignified, productive work. Factory equipment and skills atrophy as raw materials are banned, markets are cut off, and power shortages make production too expensive. Universities are isolated from the cosmopolitan exchange that is their lifeblood. High-tech entrepreneurs are constrained by Israeli restrictions on 3G smartphone technology and the inability to meet clients face-to-face. Families are separated. Patients struggle to access adequate care.

Read the full excerpt here.

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