Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘midnight on the mavi marmara’

Moustafa Bayoumi, editor of MIDNIGHT ON THE MAVI MARMARA, and the Brooklyn College controversy, in the New Yorker

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

In New York City this week, an institution is being accused of using Islam to subvert American culture—but this time, it’s on the other side of the East River. The controversy over Brooklyn College’s Common Reader program doesn’t hold a candle to the Ground Zero mosque debacle—thankfully, Sarah Palin has yet to tweet on the subject—but it’s gotten more than a few people riled up in the past few days. The most riled might be Bruce Kesler: the conservative blogger and Brooklyn College alum wrote the college out of his will when they assigned Moustafa Bayoumi’s “How Does It Feel To Be A Problem? Being Young and Arab in America” to all incoming freshmen.

Read more in the New Yorker.

Moustafa Baymoui and Max Blumenthal discuss MIDNIGHT ON THE MAVI MARMARA during a press breifing on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Listen to the whole briefing on Blog Talk Radio.

Listen to internet radio with IMEU on Blog Talk Radio

Moustafa Bayoumi Interviewed by The Chronicle of Higher Education

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Read the interview with Moustafa Bayoumi, author of Midnight on the Mavi Marama, in The Chronicle.

Next month, OR books will publish Midnight on the Mavi Marmara, a collection of essays about Israel’s recent raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla. The book will be edited by Moustafa Bayoumi, an associate professor of English at the City University of New York’s Brooklyn College. Bayoumi is the author of How Does it Feel to be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America (Penguin Press, 2008).

I caught up with Bayoumi, who is currently in Seoul, and he answered my questions by e-mail.


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

OR Books in the New York Times for our upcoming title MIDNIGHT ON THE MAVI MARMARA

Friday, June 18th, 2010

From the June 11, 2010 New York Times:

The publisher of “Going Rouge,” a Sarah Palin parody book, is turning to Israel’s recent raid on a flotilla of aid ships bound for Gaza as its next subject.

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