Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Method and Madness’

“What Really Happened in June 1967?” An interview with NORMAN FINKELSTEIN at The Real News Network

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Read it here.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN is interviewed at Mondoweiss on the history of the Six Day War

Monday, June 5th, 2017

Read it here.

METHOD AND MADNESS reviewed on Red Dirt Report

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

If you are tired of the pro-war, pro-Israeli propaganda and want to know what’s really going on in Gaza, I highly recommend Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel’s Assaults on Gaza.

To read the rest of the review, visit Red Dirt Report.

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN explains the calculated violence of Israel on The Real News

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

The question is: then why did Israel attack? And the response–one of the responses, the one by Ariel Sharon–because there was a split in the cabinet whether or not–Israeli cabinet–whether to launch the first strike. And Sharon said, if we don’t–this was Ariel Sharon. It’s the same cast of characters–goes back quite a ways. Ariel Sharon, he says, if we don’t attack, it’s going to diminish our deterrence capacity. What does that mean? Because Nasser was making all of these noises, Nasser did close the Straits of Tehran, Nasser did move troops into the Sinai, and Nasser–you know the rhetorical flourishes about we’re going to defeat Israel and so on and so forth, and so had whipped up a kind of ecstatic hysteria in the Arab world, finally, to challenging Israel.
Now, de facto–de facto–Nasser was a windbag–a congenital problem in the Arab world, leaders who are windbags–and obviously there was nothing backing his claims, but they thought that this was whipping up too much of a hysteria in the Arab world; it’s time to remind them who’s in charge.

To listen to the full interview, visit The Real News

Mark Perryman of Philosophy Football highlights IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY and METHOD AND MADNESS in his list of essential reads for the 2015 General Election

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

While bemoaning the scant attention the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will invariably receive in the upcoming election, Perryman applauds the work of Norman Finkelstein:

There will be much asking of the question, why are young people so disengaged with politics? The question of course should be asked the other way round, why is so much of politics disengaged with the young? There are of course exceptions, and these tell us plenty about the degeneration of the political. Norman Finkelstein graphically describes in Method and Madness the horrors that Israel has successively inflicted on Palestine. It is a subject that mobilises the passion of tens of thousands on occasion, many are young, yet where will any denunciation of Israel feature in the General Election campaign. With honourable, and few, exceptions, nowhere.

Books that link the family and the political are vital to engaging voters, Perryman argues:

Engaging with issues of parenthood and childhood more than almost any other subject reshapes what we mean by the political. The failure to do so narrows not only the relevance of politics but its appeal too, to join or to vote. It Runs in The Family by Frida Berrigan is a powerful testament to both the strengths and weaknesses of a radicalised, liberatarian-socialist politics that puts the conduct of relationships, parenting and children at its very core.

To read the full list of recommendations, visit Philosophy Football.

Counterfire lauds METHOD AND MADNESS as “rousing and highly recommended”

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

If Norman Finkelstein didn’t exist, it would certainly be necessary for supporters of the Palestinian cause to invent him, too – although, even the most ingenious proponent would be hard pressed to conceive a more perfect critic of Israel than he.

To read the rest of the review, visit Counterfire


Thursday, March 26th, 2015

In the event of a fourth war over Gaza, Finkelstein’s book will be an invaluable resource. It is short, clearly written, thoroughly researched, and devastating in its critique of the Israeli state’s “self defense” narrative and the apologists who excuse the inexcusable. Above all, Finkelstein underlines the crucial point, to be remembered if and when violence resumes: “The refrain that Israel has the right to self-defense is a red herring. The real question is, ‘Does Israel have the right to use force to maintain an illegal occupation?’ The answer is no.”

To read the rest of the review, visit Muftah

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN answers questions on Reddit

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

If both parties would act completely logically, what do you think would be the most reasonable resolution that would best serve both people’s interests?

Norman Finkelstein: If the world acted rationally, it would recognize that Earth is a tiny pebble spinning in the Universe, that most of the challenges currently confronting Humanity can only be solved on a global scale, and that, Life is short, so why squander it on petty egotistical idiocies? But, people are mostly not rational in the bigger sense (see Dostoyevky’s NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND). So, we must deal with humanity as it is, not as we wish it to be. The only possible solution is the one endorsed by the international community and international law. Everything else is pie in the sky. As Woody Guthrie put it, “You’ll get pie in the sky when you die,/That’s a lie.” (He was targeting the Salvation Army.)

To read the full AMA, visit Reddit

NUVO recounts the history of NORMAN FINKELSTEIN‘s work in anticipation of his forthcoming Indianapolis lecture

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Finkelstein is not one to mince words. He has repeatedly called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — who gave a speech before a joint session of U.S. Congress on March 3 — a maniac.

“I think it’s an accurate description,” he told NUVO. “He’s a lunatic, he’s a maniac… In the midst of everything that’s happening, that happened in the Middle East: let’s just start with the 2003 attack on Iraq and the rise of ISIS, the destruction of Syria, the millions of refugees that have been generated…Do we really need another war with Iran? Is that what the world needs? Can it be anyone other than a certifiable maniac that would after all of this death and destruction since 2003 would now be encouraging military confrontation with Iran?”

To read the rest of the article, visit NUVO

METHOD AND MADNESS reviewed in Red Pepper Magazine

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

“Well worth reading.”

To read the rest of the review, visit Red Pepper Magazine

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN talks about Netanyahu, the Goldstone Report, and more on RT

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

“The Palestinians have tried nonviolent resistance, and we ought not to forget about that.”

To watch the interview, visit RT

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN interviewed on This is Hell!

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

“The U.S. has always been very steadfast in their support of the Arab dictatorships. I think the very last thing they would want is a democracy, even a very limited one such as we have in the United States, take root in the Middle East. Because for it to take root all of the U.S. allies would very quickly and expeditiously be removed from power, and popular government more or less responsive to the population would take their place. The U.S. doesn’t want governments responsive to their populations, the U.S. wants governments responsive to the United States.”

To listen to the podcast, visit This is Hell!

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN discusses what it would take to implement a two-state solution on Greed for Ilm

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

To listen to the full podcast, visit Greed for Ilm

METHOD AND MADNESS excerpted on Alternet

Friday, January 16th, 2015

If diplomacy and judicial redress won’t go anywhere, then the only option left is popular resistance. But what kind of popular resistance? The question is not whether Palestinians have the right to use armed force to end the occupation. Of course, they do. Rather, the point at issue is a practical one: Which tactics and strategy are most likely to yield political gains? However heroic the resistance of the people of Gaza, however inspiring their indomitable will, the fact remains that, after going three bloody rounds with Israel in the past five years, after suffering death and destruction on a heartrending scale, armed resistance has yet to produce substantive improvements in people’s daily lives.

To read the rest of the article, visit Alternet

METHOD AND MADNESS reviewed by The Morning Star

Monday, January 5th, 2015

[Method and Madness] book is a slender compilation of the author’s contemporaneous writings and is packed with rapier-like debunking of the arguments deployed by Israel and its defenders at the time.

To read the rest of the review, visit The Morning Star


Friday, January 2nd, 2015

“[A]n undiluted, undoubtedly powerful prosecution case against Israel over the death and destruction visited on Gaza by its military assaults since 2008.”

To read the rest of the review, visit The Independent

In an excerpt from METHOD AND MADNESS, NORMAN FINKELSTEIN refutes the legality of Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

The argument contrived by the UN Panel to justify Israel’s naval blockade consists of a sequence of interrelated propositions:

The Israeli naval blockade of Gaza was unrelated to the Israeli land blockade;

Israel confronted a significant security threat from Gaza’s coastal waters;

Israel imposed the naval blockade in response to this security threat;

The naval blockade was the only means Israel had at its disposal to meet the threat posed by the flotillas;

The Israeli naval blockade achieved its security objective without causing disproportionate harm to Gaza’s civilian population.

To pronounce the naval blockade legal, the UN Panel had to sustain each and every one of these propositions. If even one were false, its defence of the blockade collapsed. The astonishing thing is that they are all false. Each will be addressed in turn.

To read the rest of the article, visit New Left Project

METHOD AND MADNESS reviewed in New Left Project

Monday, December 22nd, 2014

Method and Madness is a sustained and devastating onslaught on the myths and lies of Israeli propaganda. Against tanks, warplanes, drones, high-precision missiles and white phosphorus, Finkelstein deploys the weapons of white-hot anger, scathing irony, sanity, common sense, international law, rational logic, clear analysis and the truth.

To read the rest of the review, visit New Left Project

NORMAN FINKELSTEIN discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict on Al Jazeera‘s “Head to Head”

Friday, December 12th, 2014

To view the segment, visit Al Jazeera.


Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Regardless of what one thinks of Finkelstein’s stance on a solution to the conflict, or his view on BDS, he remains one of the most perceptive critics of Israel’s increasingly barbarous occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. It would be a minor tragedy if his latest book were to be ignored because his views on a solution to the conflict are out of fashion.

To read the rest of the article, visit TeleSUR

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