Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘internet’

On the 25th anniversary of the launch of the first website, a look back at notable INTERNET HISTORY

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

The Internet, twenty-five years later

On August 6, 1991 Tim Berners-Lee launched the world’s first website for CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research. Today, there exist more than one billion sites on the World Wide Web and more than three billion Internet users. In those twenty-five years, the Internet has grown in ways that could not have been foreseen two and a half decades ago. OR Books has documented the history of the Internet, from its breakthroughs to its failures, its expectations to its realities, its triumphs to its present dangers.



1994, northern California. The Internet is just emerging from military and university research labs. Groups of idealistic technologists, recognizing its potential as a tool for liberation and solidarity, are working feverishly to build the network.

In an early chat room, The WELL, a Stanford futurist named Tom Mandel creates a new conference asking for advice shaking off a persistent hacking cough. Within six months he is dead.

@heaven opens a window onto the way the Internet functioned in its earliest days. This electronic chronicle of a death foretold reminds us of the values of kinship and community that the Internet’s early pioneers tried to instill in a system that went on to take over the world.


SPLINTERNET by Scott Malcomson

There’s always been something universalizing about the Internet. The World Wide Web has seemed both inherently singular and global, a sort of ethereal United Nations. But today, as Scott Malcomson contends in this concise, brilliant investigation, the Internet is cracking apart into discrete groups no longer willing, or able, to connect. The implications of this shift are momentous.

“This is not your ordinary history of the Internet. Scott Malcomson has brilliantly extended the connections between Silicon Valley and the military back far beyond DARPA—back, in fact, to World War I. If you want to understand the conflict between cyberspace utopians and the states and corporations who seek to dominate our virtual lives, you’ve got to read this book.” —James Ledbetter, editor, Inc. Magazine


LEAN OUT edited by Elissa Shevinsky

Lean Out collects 25 stories from the modern tech industry, from people who fought GamerGate and from women and transgender artists who have made their own games, from women who have started their own companies and who have worked for some of the most successful corporations in America, from LGBTQ women, from women of color, from transgender people and people who do not ascribe to a gender. All are fed up with the glacial pace of cultural change in America’s tech industry.

“Disconcertingly thought-provoking.” —TechCrunch


TWEETS FROM TAHRIR edited by Nadia Idle and Alex Nunns

The Twitter accounts of the activists who brought heady days of revolution to Egypt in January and February this year paint an exhilarating picture of an uprising in real-time. Thousands of young people documented on cell phones every stage of their revolution, as it happened. This book brings together a selection of key tweets in a compelling, fast-paced narrative, allowing the story of the uprising to be told directly by the people in Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

“Deeply moving, a record of great courage, mostly by young people, facing Mubarak’s legion of goons and regime thugs.” —Robert Fisk, The Independent


HACKING POLITICS edited by David Moon, Patrick Ruffini and David Segal

Hacking Politics is a firsthand account of how a ragtag band of activists and technologists overcame a $90 million lobbying machine to defeat the most serious threat to Internet freedom in memory. The book is a revealing look at how Washington works today – and how citizens successfully fought back.

Written by the core Internet figures—video gamers, Tea Partiers, tech titans, lefty activists and ordinary Americans among them—who defeated a pair of special interest bills called SOPA (“Stop Online Piracy Act”) and PIPA (“Protect IP Act”), Hacking Politics provides the first detailed account of the glorious, grand chaos that led to the demise of that legislation and helped foster an Internet-based network of amateur activists.



Now that communication can be as quick as thought, why hasn’t our ability to organize politically—to establish gains and beyond that, to maintain them—kept pace? The web has given us both capacity and speed: but progressive change seems to be something perpetually in the air, rarely manifesting, even more rarely staying with us.

“No one better grasps the interplay between innovative media technology and politics than Micah Sifry.” —Kevin Phillips



From Facebook to Talking Points Memo to the New York Times, often what looks like fact-based journalism is not. It’s advertising. Not only are ads indistinguishable from reporting, the Internet we rely on for news, opinions and even impartial sales content is now the ultimate corporate tool. Reader beware: content without a corporate sponsor lurking behind it is rare indeed.

“Reading Mara Einstein is like putting on magic glasses that let you see the advertising all around you, all the time. Whether you’re looking to sell, or hoping to resist, here is the state of the art.” —Douglas Rushkoff, author, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus, Present Shock


Further Reading

what's yours is mine cover

beyond zero and one cover

“Charting the rise and rise of ‘sponsored content'” MARA EINSTEIN on ZDNet

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

“In Black Ops Advertising, Mara Einstein… suggests a future in which
advertising increasingly subsumes all content. Everything will look
free, but hidden agendas, data collection and fakery will be everywhere.
This is the internet as con trick, where the natural human instinct to
share news and gossip is co-opted as low-cost marketing for brands and
others who do not fundamentally care about us except as sources of

To read more, visit ZDNet

“TOA16 interview with Andrew Smart” ANDREW SMART interviewed for Tech Open Air Festival 2016

Friday, August 5th, 2016

“Andrew and Alex Görlach (The European) discuss the original dream for artificial intelligence, how it’s lost sight of creating an artificial human mind, and more musings about the current state of AI, and where it’s going.”

To watch, visit Tech Open

Scott Malcomson’s SPLINTERNET made the shortlist for getAbstract’s International Book Award 2016

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016

From 10,000 books in consideration, Scott Malcomson’s Splinternet, has made the shortlist for getAbstract’s International Book Award 2016, conferred in October at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

“getAbstract recommends his compelling overview and fascinating anecdotes to students, entrepreneurs, investors and policy makers who will benefit from this overlooked story’s rich information on where the Internet came from and cautionary notes about where it’s going.”

To read more, visit getAbstract

“Review: What’s Yours Is Mine: Against the Sharing EconomyTOM SLEE reviewed on Liz Pelly

Monday, August 1st, 2016

“One of Tom Slee’s motivations for writing What’s Yours Is Mine: Against the Sharing Economy—published in February by OR Books—was to push back against people in the tech industry appropriating the language of “collective action and progressive politics” for private financial gain. “I wrote this book because the Sharing Economy agenda appeals to ideals with which I and many others identify; ideals such as equality, sustainability, and community,” he writes. “The Sharing Economy continues to have the support and allegiance of many progressive-minded people … [but evokes] those ideals to build massive private fortunes, to erode real communities, to encourage a more entitled form of consumerism, and to create a future that is more precarious and more unequal than ever.”

Slee’s book provides much needed historical context on the sharing economy phenomenon: a history of digital “openness” being leveraged for private profit, as well as a history of the commodification of the internet, pointing out key moments in time where legislation changed to first allow commercial activity on the web. “There was vociferous argument over the ethics of pursuing profit over the internet,” he writes. It’s a book about the sharing economy, but also more: it’s about how we got to this conflicting place where we all are seemingly beholden to commercial platforms that we don’t totally understand, mined for data by corporations profiting from users’ micro-work.”

To hear more, visit Liz Pelly

“The Internet as Art and Politics” SCOTT MALCOLMSON with Virginia Heffernan

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

“Scott Malcolmson in conversation with Virginia Heffernan”

To hear more, visit Virginia Heffernan

“Don’t Burn the Books” MARA EINSTEIN in Philosophy Football

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

“Mara Einstein’s Black Ops Advertising details the many ways in which corporate PR operations have sought to colonise social media.”

To read more, visit Philosophy Football

How to support CHELSEA MANNING today

Monday, July 11th, 2016

How to support Chelsea Manning in the wake of her recent hospitalization:

Chelsea Manning has been fighting to receive urgent medical care for years. Though she managed to secure access to hormone therapy after a lawsuit against the Department of Defense, she (against the advice of her military doctors) is being forced to conform to male grooming standards. The Department of Justice claimed this was due to “safety concerns”, but as Manning’s lawyer Chase Strangio countered: “There is no question that Chelsea already stands out in a men’s facility – there is likely not a person there who does not know who she is or that she is a woman.”

Fight for policy changes that will ensure the safety of trans prisoners, from fair
sentencing to critical health policy.

As the Court Martial Appeal Brief, filed May 18 of this year notes, “No whistleblower in American history has been sentenced this harshly”. Despite incendiary claims that Wikileaks “has blood on its hands”, government witnesses found no examples of any deaths resulting from the leaks. As her appeals process is now underway, funds are desperately needed to cover the legal expenses involved. Donate here.

Chelsea has noted that letters are a great source of comfort, stating ““I am happily reminded that I am real and that I do exist for people outside this prison.”

Chelsea’s address is as follows:


Guidelines detailing what sort of mail Chelsea is able to receive can be found here.

“All we know is physical. All we know belongs, once again, to base reality. ” ANDREW SMART for MOTHERBOARD

Monday, June 20th, 2016

“Conceptually, it is a self-defeating notion—something that if taken to be truth, negates itself. In fact, if, say, simulated water might be a meaningful notion, what would it be made of? It could not be made of real stuff, because if it was, it would no longer be simulated water. However, neither could it be made of simulated stuff, because—that’s the point of being a simulation—there is no such thing as simulated stuff. All we know is physical. All we know belongs, once again, to base reality. Either way, simulated water cannot exist.”

To hear more, visit Motherboard.

“Walmart’s good old low-cost image has been damaged by protests over wages.” MARA EINSTEIN in Marketplace

Monday, June 6th, 2016

“It’s really hard to be everything to everybody, because then you end up being nothing to nobody.”

To read more, visit Marketplace.

“Did the Cold War even end?” SCOTT MALCOMSON for The Huffington Post

Friday, May 6th, 2016

At the Moscow meeting last week, Lu Wei, the head of the Chinese delegation and the Communist Party’s Internet security chief, said, “Now our countries are faced with an aggressive media propaganda. Therefore, we should pay serious attention to verification and filtering incoming information.”

To read more, visit The Huffington Post.

“We have labor standards for a reason” TOM SLEE on The Agenda with Steve Paikin

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

“In most economies there are always folks who need a job, and you can have very low paying jobs that people will apply to and will work for, but here in Canada we have labor standards, and we have them for a reason. We have them because that kind of race to the bottom, a purely free market approach encourages does not end up in a good place.”

To read more, visit The Agenda.

“This new model has raised a bunch of questions” AirBnB co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk on TOM SLEE

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

“In terms of the darker side of shared economy, this new model has raised a bunch of questions about how it fits in with existing policies. I think those are fair questions, but that does not mean the idea (of shared economy) is bad. We have to have conversations about how new models get reconciled with existing rules.”

To read more, visit Business Standard.

“Authoritative” TOM SLEE reviewed in The Star

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Uber enthusiasts, he writes, attribute its success to technology. But the real reason Uber thrives is that it avoids paying many of the costs borne by regulated taxi services, including insurance and mechanical fitness tests.

To read more, visit The Star.

“It’s about extending the deregulated free market into new areas of our lives.” TOM SLEE reviewed in Truthdig

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

But the big picture is remarkably clear. “The Sharing Economy is a movement: it is a movement for deregulation,” Slee concludes. “It’s not about building an alternative to a corporate-driven market economy, it’s about extending the deregulated free market into new areas of our lives.”

To read more, visit Truthdig.

“If Washington continues to abandon its commitment to the open Internet, the dreams of digital innovators around the world will be crushed.” SCOTT MALCOMSON reviewed in The Wall Street Journal

Monday, April 18th, 2016

“Mr. Obama once famously declared that government, not entrepreneurs, had built the Internet. That wasn’t true, but his actions have proved a different point: If Washington continues to abandon its commitment to the open Internet, the dreams of digital innovators around the world will be crushed.”

To hear more, visit The Wall St Journal.

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