Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘Huffington Post’

Read an exclusive excerpt of Micah L. Sifry’s WIKILEAKS AND THE AGE OF TRANSPARENCY on the Huffington Post

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Back in the fall of 2009, getting hold of Julian Assange wasn’t easy. The Australian founder of WikiLeaks seemed to be constantly on the move, and his email habits were unpredictable. My colleague Andrew Rasiej and I had invited him to speak at the inaugural European gathering of our Personal Democracy Forum (PdF) conference in Barcelona that November. “Micah, great!” he wrote in late October, accepting the invitation. “Currently in Laos. Denmark 18th Nov-ish. Iceland not long after. Can you send me all necessary details?”

Read more in the Huffington Post.

Joe Woodward talks about working with OR Books, which will soon publish his literary biography of Nathanael West.

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

News of my death has been greatly exaggerated (and captured, fed, and hyper-linked). I’m talking here about the new author in the era of new media, but too, about literary agents, editors, publishers, readers, librarians — People of the Book. Every day the headlines trumpet our demise. Every day another shovel of dirt hits the crowns of our caskets, and so on. I’m here to say, don’t believe it.

Read more on Huffington Post.

GOING ROUGE is one of Huffington Post’s “9 Big Books From Small Publishers.”

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Vote for GOING ROUGE in the slideshow.

“Going Rouge” was the first book published by the new independent press OR Books, and the timing for the Sarah Palin satire was perfect. Because OR Books’ model is to publish books very quickly for release primarily as eBooks and through Print-on-Demand, they were able to make the cover and title of the book deviously similar to Sarah Palin’s memoir “Going Rogue,” which came out the same day. The book, which primarily features critical essays about the former Vice Presidential candidate, rode on Palin’s waves of success and made headlines with its clever premise.

(via Huffington Post)

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