Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘douglas rushkoff’

In case you missed it: Douglas Rushkoff and Micah L. Sifry were in conversation last night at McNally Jackson

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

Douglas Rushkoff and Micah Sifry at McNally Jackson

“People want magic. We’re all looking for transcendence…but we’re still not finding it.” —WikiLeaks and the Age of Transparency author Micah Sifry, last night at McNally Jackson, talking about our fascination with new technology (and why we’re simultaneously consumed by it and disappointed with it).

Look for the video of the event on C-SPAN’s Book TV. Read more about the event on This OR That: The OR Books Blog.

Library Journal interviews PROGRAM OR BE PROGRAMMED author Douglas Rushkoff

Friday, February 25th, 2011

Ever feel like you’re a dandelion tuft on the Internet winds, floating in and out of Facebook and Twitter feeds to wherever those links might take you? Not to worry, just chalk up those hours on handhelds and laptops as time well spent—we’re current, we’re engaged, and we’re savvy to the ways of life on the web. But savvy this: what if we’re completely oblivious to the way the digital environment is actually shaping us as we attempt to take it all in?

That’s what worries media theorist and author Douglas Rushkoff, the thought that we’re being caught unawares by software of our own design, that we may end up abdicating our agency as the reins on everyday technology slip from our grasp.

Read the rest of the interview at

PROGRAM OR BE PROGRAMMED gets a glowing review in the Miami Herald

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

Having read and reviewed Rushkoff’s previous books, Think Outside The Box, which was good, and Life Inc., which was nothing less than brilliant, I wondered what was next for the media maven. This new one is short and concise, but a highly worthy successor. His mission is to raise awareness of the human implications of our technologies — the context (if you will) of our actions.

Read more at the Miami Herald.

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