Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘definable-traces-in-the-atmosphere’

“This anthology spans his eclectic, curious and thought-provoking body of work.”- DEFINABLE TRACES IN THE ATMOSPHERE reviewed in Peace News

Monday, October 1st, 2018

The title of this book refers to a line in Mike Marqusee’s poem ‘Egypt’. In it, Egyptian people are filling a public square, presumably Cairo’s Tahrir Square, their images captured on TV. Much like a dream, Marqusee writes, what is happening is ‘turbulent and calm, much wished for, full of surprise.’ But unlike a dream, this is a revolution that will leave ‘definable traces in the atmosphere, like incense.’ He concludes: ‘I know this is not a dream because like a dream / everything is changed in its wake.’

Read the full review here.

“Enormously welcome… Enabling new, younger, audiences to discover Marqusee’s magnificent prose and acute political insight.” – DEFINABLE TRACES IN THE ATMOSPHERE reviewed in Open Democracy

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

My favourite writer of the political-culture mix of the current era is Mike Marqusee, who so tragically passed away in 2015, the year his friend and longstanding comrade Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party.

Read the full review here.

“The writings gathered here are a testament to the vigour, virtuosity and range of their late author’s intellect.” – DEFINABLE TRACES IN THE ATMOSPHERE reviewed in The National

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Mike Marqusee was an anti-Zionist Jewish American socialist activist, poet, journalist, pamphleteer, novelist and author who wrote about cricket with more grace and insight than just about anyone in his adopted country of England. When he died of bone cancer in 2015 memorial meetings were held in Islington and India, where Marquesee’s columns in The Hindu had gained him a devoted readership.

Read the full review here.

“Insightful, kaleidoscopic…” DEFINABLE TRACES IN THE ATMOSPHERE reviewed in The Big Issue

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Socialism underpins Definable Traces in the Atmosphere (OR Books, £13), a collection by the indefinable Mike Marqusee, the American writer who spent most of his adult life in England before his death in 2015 and so was able to get to grips with cricket, one of his many great loves. See also, in this insightful, kaleidoscopic book, the politics of Bob Dylan, wanderings in the Subcontinent, flamenco and the quest for authenticity, and – poignantly and previously unpublished – a piece completed in December 2014 entitled The Cancer Dance and the Rites of Positivity.

Read the full article in the latest print edition of The Big Issue.

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