Latest News: Posts Tagged ‘chaos’

PATRICK COCKBURN is interview at The Real News Network on military intervention in Syria

Monday, June 5th, 2017

I know about one guy in Mosul and maybe this gives the flavor of what really happens if you’re on the ground. He had a tarpaulin over part of his house as a shade. It’s pretty hot in Mosul. But the US and the Iraqi Air Force had decided that any tarpaulin must be concealing an ISIS fighting position or supplies and consequently got bombed by a drone. He got hit in the leg and had dragged himself to a local clinic. They didn’t have any bandages and so forth. He dragged himself home again.

Read it here.

“The appeal of Cockburn as a war correspondent is multifaceted.” CHAOS AND CALIPHATE on SFGATE

Monday, March 13th, 2017

“The appeal of Cockburn as a war correspondent is multifaceted. Primarily based in the Middle East, he is a student of the region. To understand what is happening in, say, Iraq, he acquaints himself with not just Iraqi history but with the greater political landscapes of Turkey, Syria, Jordan, the Levant. When he makes it to his zone of coverage — not always the easiest thing — he knocks around, visiting the neighbors, observing, conversing, living rough. He hops a battered Russian helicopter to illegally cross the Amu Darya — Cockburn’s many years in the field have enabled him to cultivate contacts who can facilitate such shenanigans — alighting in North Alliance-controlled territory, where “I spent the next few moths in the impoverished village of Jabal Saraj.” He is an adept at following the twists and turns of events, and brings a Sun Tzu-like appreciation to the nit and grit of fighting.”

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