Welcome to Serif Books
Specializing in cookery, travel, history and politics, the Serif list comprises titles that are cosmopolitan, beautifully written and elegantly designed.
Good writing, properly edited, is the raison d’être of publishing.
-Stephen Hayward, founder, Serif Books, (1954–2015)
Ten Dialogues on the Future of Nature
Anders Dunker
The gap between what we know and what we do has haunted the field of moral philosophy since antiquity, and is at the center of today’s environmental crisis. Put simply: if we know that we are destroying the planet, our habitat, why do we continue to do it? The ten dialogues collected here investigate this question, and propose how we might salvage the planet and save our own lives. More
Reclaiming the Energy Commons
Ashley Dawson
People’s Power provides a persuasive critique of a market-led transition to renewable energy. It surveys the early development of the electric grid in the United States, telling the story of battles for public control over power during the Great Depression. More