Celebrating National Poetry Month with 25% discount on these exceptional titles
Offer lasts the whole of April
Poems for a New Feminism
Edited by Danielle Banhart and Iris Mahan
A collection with a feminist ethos that cuts across race, gender identity, and sexuality.
“Pick up this glowing book as you’re crawling through the rubble, and poem by poem and page by page you’ll begin to know that you’ll be okay.” —Eileen Myles
INFERNO (A Poet’s Novel)
Eileen Myles
The story of a young female writer, discovering both her sexuality and her own creative drive in the meditative and raucous environment that was New York City in its punk and indie heyday, is engrossing, poignant, and funny.
“I was completely stupefied by Inferno in the best of ways. In fact, I think I must feel kind of like Dante felt after seeing the face of God.” Alison Bechdel
Alissa Quart
Thoughts and Prayers is a beautiful and startling volume of poetry about our political existence. With both humor and luminosity, it gets at the personal and collective emotional experience of American public life.
“The poet laureate of the Precariat” —Barbara Ehrenreich
Karen Finley
In a breathless cascade of poetry and prose, celebrated performance artist Karen Finley here lays bare the psychosexual obsessions that have burst to the surface of today’s American politics.
“Finley finds her ultimate target in the current president. This amalgam of creative prose and freestyle poetry floods vitriol on the words and actions of Trump … moving, provocative, and occasionally hilarious art.” —Kirkus
Yoko Ono
In Acorn, renowned artist and political activist Yoko Ono offers intriguing, enchanting exercises to open our eyes on better ways of relating to ourselves, each other, and the planet we co-habit. Throughout the book are drawings by Yoko, many never before seen.
“One of performance art’s royalty.” —Roberta Smith, New York Times
Filming a Poet in Her Village
Rajathi Salma and Kim Longinotto
When Salma was 13 years old her family shut her away, forbidding her to study and forcing her into marriage. She began covertly composing poems on scraps of paper and sneaking them out of the house. In this book, Salma and acclaimed documentarian Kim Longinotto portray an extraordinary life and the challenges of capturing it on film.
“I walked away from Salma with a resounding hope.” —Fariha Roisin, Huffington Post