From the New Yorker’s piece, “The Book of Egypt Tweets:”
Galleycat reported yesterday that OR Books, an on-demand publisher that describes itself as dedicated to “progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business,” has announced the release later this month of “Tweets from Tahrir,” an edited collection of Twitter posts that played an essential role in the recent uprising and ouster of Mubarak in Egypt. Alex Nunns, a British journalist, and Nadia Idle, an Egyptian who was on the ground in Cairo during the protests, began archiving tweets as they were posted, and have been combing through feeds ever since to build a portrait of, as Nunns tweeted in February, a “1st draft [of] history.”
From the New York Times piece, “‘Tweets From Tahrir’ Collects Egypt Posts in a Book:”
Some of the earliest and most raw reports of the revolution in Egypt were published on Twitter. Now an enterprising publisher, OR Books, has gathered many of those Twitter messages for a book, “Tweets From Tahrir,” a narrative of the revolution told in snippets of 140 characters or less.
In a feat of nearly real-time publishing, the book will be released on April 21, a little over two months after the revolution unseated Egypt’s president. It will be sold for $12 in paperback form and $10 in e-book form.