Latest News: Archive for the ‘video’ Category

“Talking to working people about their lives, jobs, dreams, and struggles” — Maximilian Alvarez interviewed about THE WORK OF LIVING on Breaking Points

Friday, August 26th, 2022

This book is very courageous… It’s very rare that you have the voices of actual working people directly put out into the press and shared with the world.” —Krystal Ball, Breaking Points

Watch the full interview here.

New Video: SURF, SWEAT AND TEARS by Andy Martin

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020

Coming Soon: SURF, SWEAT AND TEARS by Andy Martin

Eileen Myles reads an excerpt from INFERNO (A POET’S NOVEL), featured in Rattapallax, co-presented by the Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church

Monday, August 23rd, 2010

Eileen Myles reads an excerpt from INFERNO (a poet’s novel) from Rattapallax on Vimeo.

Also featured on the Poetry Project Blog.

OR Books co-publisher Colin Robinson discusses Amazon on GRITtv with Laura Flanders

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010


Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

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