—Chris Lebron, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins and author of The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of An Idea on #Charlottesville
—Chris Hedges on The Black Agenda
—David Gilbert on Pen Pal
—Jamelle Bouie on Reluctant Reformers
BLACK HISTORY READING LISTIn honor of Black History Month, OR Books is
![]() The Black Agenda
Profiling along the way storied Black leaders such as Martin Luther King, Malcom X and James Brown (for whom Glen Ford once worked), The Black Agenda looks, too, beyond American shores at US intervention in Libya, the Congo and the Middle East, showing how these are imbricated with racism at home. |
![]() Reluctant Reformers
Racism and Social Reform Movements in the United States
Reluctant Reformers explores the centrality of racism to American politics through the origins, internal dynamics, and leadership of the major democratic and social justice movements between the early nineteenth century and the end of World War II. It focuses in particular on the abolitionists, the Populist Party, |
![]() PEN PAL
Prison Letters from a Free Spirit on Slow Death Row
Tiyo Attallah Salah-El died in 2018 on “Slow Death Row” while serving a life sentence in a Pennsylvania prison. He was a man with a dizzying array of talents and vocations: author, scholar, teacher, musician, and activist: he was the founder of the Coalition for the Abolition of Prisons. He was also, as is apparent from the letters that make up this book, an extraordinarily eloquent correspondent. More |
There is a current revival of Black Consciousness, as political and student movements around the world – as well as academics and campaigners working in decolonization – reconfigure the continued struggle for socio-economic revolution.More |
White Supremacy, Populism, and Resistance
When white nationalists and their supporters clashed with counter-demonstrators in the college town of Charlottesville over the removal of a Confederate statue, resulting in the death of one anti-racist activist and the wounding of thirty-five more, a signal moment in American history was reached. More |
Or, Developing a Viable Untopia for Human Survival in the 21st Century
Folding the Red into the Black is a book-length nonfiction essay by one of America’s bestselling novelists, Walter Mosley; an alternative political manifesto in which he proposes to throw off “bureaucratic” demands in order “to praise and raise humanity to its full promise.” More |