The Hemingway Review praises Clancy Sigal’s Hemingway Lives! for being both well-researched and an enjoyable read:
Sigal writes vigorous, conversational prose that is both colloquial (e.g.,
upon introducing Littless of “The Last Good Country,” he warns “twee alert!”)
and highly intelligent. He is also sometimes very funny, for example, when he
writes, “Hemingway’s other great art form was personal injury” (133). In his
introduction, he cites a long list of twentieth-century authors influenced by
Hemingway, commenting, “He’s like the god Zeus up there in the clouds hurling
his thunderbolts long after he’s supposed to be gone” (xii-xiii).Great fun to read, Hemingway Lives! is better researched than books of this
nature—that is, those designed primarily for fans of Hemingway’s work rather
than scholars—generally are. He cites several reputable biographies (Carlos
Baker, Michael Reynolds, and James Mellow, for example), several memoirs by
Hemingway’s family members, and a smattering of articles and critical works,
singling out Paul Hendrickson’s Hemingway’s Boat and Keneth Kinnamon’s
work on Ernest’s politics as particularly praiseworthy.
Read the full review in The Hemingway Review, available via Project Muse.