In April, OR Books published Tweets from Tahrir, a book of tweets sent from Ground Zero of the democratic revolution that played out in Egypt last year. The book, its promotions declare, “brings together a selection of key tweets in a compelling, fast-paced narrative, allowing the story of the uprising to be told directly by the people in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. History has never before been written in this fashion.”

But tweets are fragile things. A year after the Tahrir’s tweets were posted, much of the information they first shared has gone missing. According to a study conducted by Hany SalahEldeen Khalil, a phD student in computer science and Web preservation at Old Dominion University, a third of the images initially included in Tweets from Tahrir — 7 out of 23 — seem to have disappeared entirely from the Web. A small slice of the historical record, gone — archived not digitally, but in the pages of a book.

Read the full article in The Atlantic

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