Today, from the publisher that first used Twitter to document history in book-form, comes a new website that takes the original book live – relaying, in real time, key dispatches from the front line of the Egyptian revolution.

In April OR Books published Tweets from Tahrir, edited by Nadia Idle and Alex Nunns, a book composed of Twitter posts from Egyptians who, over 18 historic days, helped topple Hosni Mubarak. With Egypt now in the midst of massive new protests against military rule, OR Books, together with digital design firm Sonnet Media, is launching Tweets from Tahrir LIVE, a website carrying current, real-time tweets from the activists featured in the original book.

The launch of the site is in response to the deadly attacks on protestors in Tahrir Square, which have seen activists once again using Twitter to get the word out about the surging movement for democracy and the vicious repression it faces. Tweets from Tahrir LIVE provides riveting, direct coverage of the events in Egypt, through the words of trusted, eloquent tweeters.

OR Books co-publisher Colin Robinson comments:

“Tweets from Tahrir was the first book of its kind, capturing fleeting tweets and pinning them permanently to the printed page. This is the reverse – it’s the same contributors who appeared in the book, but here they are live. We’re giving people a way of following what’s happening in Egypt, minute-by-minute. It’s vital to the protestors who stood up so bravely in January and February, and are now having to do it all over again, that the world sees what’s going on. This is our small contribution to helping with that.”

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